Arabic Listening & Speaking

OSH 194 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBD
Instructor: Daniel Rivera

Course Description 

It would be level A2, a continuation of level 1A. In this level, we will continue with the rest off the book Alif Baa. Dr. Rivera will focus on simple nominal and verbal sentences in present tense, new vocabulary and expression. Students should be able to have basic conversation in formal Arabic

Dr. Daniel Rivera is an accomplished multilingual professor and translator of Arabic/English/Spanish, has 13 years of academic teaching experience. He is an expert on international relations and Middle Eastern history and politics. He is a political analyst for America TeVe (Ch 41 and Radio Miami). He is an adjunct lecturer at the University of Miami. He holds a PhD in Arabic and Islamic Studies and a M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy. 

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