French : Beginner - Part A

OSH 330 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBA
Instructor: Alicia Menendez-King

Course Description

Have you always wanted to learn French, but never had the chance? Or, did your high school French fade from memory long ago? In either case, this is the course for you: we start with the basics and move forward comfortably. Expand your horizons, enhance your mental agility, prepare for an upcoming trip, or just have fun! Join us, and prepare to participate.

Week 1 Course introduction; introducing yourself; the Francophone world; the French alphabet
Week 2 Greetings and leave-takings; subject pronouns; the verb être; professions; French pronunciation
Week 3 The verb aller; health, destinations, countries, and nationalities; French syllabification and intonation
Week 4 Negating sentences; counting from 0-69; dates, days of the week, months of the year; the sound [l]
Week 5 Identifying common objects; noun gender and number; indefinite articles; the sound [y]; nasal vowels
Week 6 Listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises in conjunction with French in Action, Leçon 2

Students are required to purchase the textbook, French Demystified by Annie Heminway. The publisher is McGraw Hill, copyright 2017.  

Alicia Menendez-King is a UM graduate with a double major in French and English and received a M.A. from UNC at Chapel Hill in French. French teaching posts in Dallas, FIU, Rice, and Houston Community College. Studied in France and lived in Bordeaux. She has a passion for languages and culture!

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