International Action

OSH 160 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBA
Instructor: Alan Dietz

Course Description

"International Action" is a discussion group dealing with explaining up-to-the-minute international affairs, politics, and intrigue in the major action centers of the world, with emphasis on Europe, China, India, Russia, Japan, Latin America, and of course the smoldering Middle East.  Alan Dietz an OLLI member and guests will lead the discussion, and the door will be wide open for class participants to pour their own insights onto the fire if they choose. 

Mr. Alan Dietz, an active OLLI member, was an original Madison Avenue "Madman" as a Creative Director at some of the world's largest ad agencies headquartered in New York and Chicago. He was President and Creative Director at his own ad agency in Miami for many years. Alan has created high-profile ad campaigns for some of the world's premier clients. He graduated with a BA and MA in history at the University of Miami, where he taught American and world history as a graduate teaching assistant. This was followed by PhD work in history at Cal-Berkeley, which was interrupted by his acceptance of a job as an advertising copywriter at J. Walter Thompson in New York. He is presently writing a sci-fi novel dealing with quantum physics and relativity theory.

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