OLLI Poetry Club

OSH 334 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: LFH 120
Instructor: George Wendell

Course Description

In this discussion seminar-style club, we will read and discuss highlights from the poetry of major American poets, including Hart Crane, William Carlos Williams, (the pediatrician, poet, and novelist from Patterson NJ, Marianne Moore), Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop, E.E. Cummings, Maya Angelou and our newest Nobel Poet… Bob Dylan.  Their works collectively represent the best American poetry writers. Note: Texts will be recommended before class, and many are available online or anthologized. 

Mr. George Wendell graduated from UMass with a BA in Classical studies, and 9 upper level English classes. He then graduated from the University of Toronto with an MA degree in Classical Studies. After retiring from a career in financial sales he has been a member of OLLI since September 2014, and a class facilitator (Writers’ Workshop) this past session. He brings a deep appreciation and knowledge of literature to OLLI and hopes to find ways to share his passion with classmates. Other interests include literary theory and criticism, linguistics, and playing the piano (mainly jazz).
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