Spanish Reading & Conversation, Advanced

OSH 327 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBA
Instructor: Dr. Doralina Martinez-Conde

Course Description

Fall 1

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Cien Años De Soledad (1967) the Nobel Prize winning novel by Gabriel García Márquez, this course is dedicated to discuss his novel in terms of themes, characters, style and cultural context. Participants need to read the entire novel before class starts. Advanced proficiency in speaking Spanish is required. Taught in Spanish.

Fall 2

This class is dedicated to discuss the novel El Amante Japones (2016) by Isabel Allende in terms of themes, characters, style and historical context. Participants need to read the entire novel before class starts. Advanced proficiency in speaking Spanish is required. Taught in Spanish.

Dr. Doralina Martinez Conde, an OLLI member, has a Ph.D in Spanish-American Literature from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. She is an Associate Professor Emerita of Spanish at Georgia Southern University where she taught Spanish Language, Culture and Literature courses for more than two decades. Dr. Martinez Conde has published a book and several articles in peer review journals. She also has presented her research at numerous conferences in the United States, Dominican Republic, Spain, Mexico and Costa Rica. She has an extensive knowledge in proficiency-oriented language instruction. 

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