Understanding & Enjoying Cuban Music

OSH 717 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBA
Instructor: Luis Serrano

Course Description

A description of what we know today as Cuban Music. We will learn about its origin and evolution, the musical instrument used to play it and the performers who made it great. 

Fall 1

Week 1

The beginning (1790 -1878)

Week 2

The Cinquillo (rhythmic cell of His Majestic “El Danzon”)

Week 3

“El Son” (The basis of all modern Cuban Rhythms)

Week 4

The Bolero and The Cha Cha

Week 5

The Rumba, The Conga, The Guaracha, etc.

Week 6

The modern rhythms in Cuba and abroad

Mr. Luis Serrano is a Miami music legend artist, a poet, a songwriter who wrote the ultra-popular song “Renacer” back in the early days while a member of the Miami Sound Machine. Luis is also a musical historian. He retains historical information about music dating back to the 30’s and 40’s. He can mesmerize you narrating historical data combined with music theory. That’s when you realize this multi-talented genius is also a walking encyclopedia. Luis Serrano is a talent powerhouse that Miami is very lucky to call its own.

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