Western Art, Masters, & Masterpieces

Course taught in: English
Locations: TBD
Instructor: Armando Droulers

Course Description

These art history lectures concentrate on various artistic periods of Western Art, covering not only the art but the artists, their influences and the social, political, economic and cultural context in which the art was created.

Mr. Armando Droulers is an artist, art historian, and educator. He studied at Bard College, Academia de Arte Federico Brandt, New World School of the Arts and the University of Florida. He lectures on art, culture and travel, teaches fine art and design and organizes cultural tours, as well as art and wine culinary events. As a Master Artist, he teaches art and is a guest lecturer onboard Celebrity Cruises ships. He has lived in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States and speaks fluent English, French, and Spanish.

