Chair Yoga

OSH 216 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBD
Instructor: Ms. Nina Ramos

Course Description

Also known as seated yoga, Chair Yoga is ideal for the desk-bound, travelers, golfers, and those in rehabilitation or physically challenged. Chair Yoga will introduce you to a series of the most effective yoga stretches, all done from the comfort of your chair. You do not need to stand up to reap the benefits of yoga. Your body and your mind will thank you for learning about and practicing chair yoga! With seated yoga, “the numerous benefits include increased strength and flexibility, improved circulation, and experience with breathing and relaxation techniques,” as noted by Dr. Andrew Weil, today’s guru of healthy aging. NOTE: This unique program is offered in 1-hour segments of seated stretching and deep breathing to help maintain or build strength and flexibility while relieving the stress and tension associated with sitting for too long.

Ms. Jiovannina (Nina) Ramos was born in Caracas, Venezuela, where she received her background and practice as a teacher in yoga and meditation from La Gran Fraternidad Universal Fundación. She graduated with a bachelor degree in humanities and art degree from the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristobal Rojas, also in Caracas. Nina lived in Caracas until 1995 when she moved to Miami. In Miami, Nina is a life coach, medical assistant and licensed massage therapist. 

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