It's Ok To Be Me!

OSH 224 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBD
Instructor: Arthur Ackerman

Course Description

In this experiential and interactive session we will examine ways we can increase joy and develop a feeling of purpose in our lives.  We will explore strategies to help us manage stress and live a joyful life. Class will include lecture, music, meditation, sharing and fun.

Mr. Arthur Ackerman has been a student of personal growth workshops for over 40 years.  He has studied with masters such as Ken Keyes, Alan Cohen, Jack Kornfield, Rick Hanson and many others.  He has developed courses to share the highlights of these experiences.   Arthur facilitates a Men's Group on Key Biscayne and has been a member of  the Listening Program for Miami-Dade County Public School Systems since 2010.  He is also a certified yoga instructor and has taught several classes at OLLI. 

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