Smartphones (Android) : Intro

OSH 415 / Non Credit
Course taught in: English
Locations: TBA
Instructor: Joan Nurse

Course Description

How to use the Android Phone (NOT an Apple phone); using the navigation keys; syncing email and social networking; creating and managing your contacts; using your camera; call logs and messaging; saving the battery life and ringtones.

 Week 1

Getting started with your smart phone....Basic built in Apps . Managing settings , privacy and more

Week 2

Working with apps ... finding a specific apps ( internet or download ) setting up emails , Managing contacts

Week 3

Learning the different ways to secure your device and privacy.

Week 4

Keeping your device running smoothly...5 things you should know you could do with your smart phone

Week 5

10 everyday uses for your phones camera

Week 6

Review all information.... QA

Ms. Joan Nurse is a Corporate Trainer. She has 16 years of experience working in the Call Center Industry. She trained in various computer systems, such as AT&T and FedEx Domestically and Internationally. In addition, she has a wide range of experience in Microsoft and Macintosh. 

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